Page 7 - EconDevelopmentPacket
P. 7


         Here’s a bold idea: Why not bolster business by cutting taxes? We know it
         works, because Idaho has done exactly that. In 2013, we exempted more
         than 90% of Idaho’s businesses from paying personal property tax. In
         2018, we lowered both our personal and corporate income taxes.

         While many states had to raise revenues to cover budget shortfalls, Idaho’s budget remains bal-
         anced. We believe in trimming spending rather than raising taxes, and now we’re rewarding Idaho
         taxpayers by easing their burden even more.

         Businesses in Idaho know they can count on a stable tax environment. They don’t have to worry that
         their taxes will increase. It’s nice to find a little certainty in Idaho.

           Average Property Tax            1.5%

           General Sales Tax               6%
           Personal Income Tax             6.925% (Top bracket)         per capita tax burden of any state.

           Corporate Tax                   6.925%

            •  3.75%                  •  2.5%                  •  $3,000                •  EXEMPT

            INVESTMENT                REAL PROPERTY            NEW JOB TAX              PROPERTY TAX
            TAX CREDIT                TAX CREDIT               CREDIT                   EXEMPTION

            3.75% on all new,     2.5% on investments in  Up to $3,000 per new      A full or partial property
            depreciable, tangible  new plants, buildings,   job created.            tax incentive can be
            personal property     and structural compo-                             granted by the county
            placed in Idaho.      nents placed in service                           commissioners where
                                  in Idaho.                                         the project is located.

                                 To learn more about this and other reasons to locate your business in Idaho visit
                                          the Idaho Commerce Dept.  at
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