Page 40 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 40


        Phase 2 focuses on the restoring and activating the inlet,
        introducing water-based connectivity in the form a new
        community docks, and setting the foundation for future                                                                                                                                  DESIGN ELEMENTS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                1. COMMUNITY DOCK

        The proposed improvements activate areas of the park that                                                                                                                               2. BAY AREA RESTORATION
        are currently underutilized, introducing much-needed kid-                                                                                                                               3. ELEVATED LAWN
        oriented features, and formalized access/circulation to the                                                                                                                             4. PINE BLUFF
        inlet. The strategy is to provide programming opportunities
        that are designed to enhance the truly unique spaces in the                                                                                                                             5. RESTROOM
        Pine Bluff and around the inlet. This phase builds upon the
        human-powered watercraft that currently access the park
        from the river, by welcoming motor-powered watercraft via
        new community docks on the southwest edge of the park,
        away from the more active swimming and non-motorized
        watercraft areas around the inlet. Introducing a new user
        group to the park, while providing much needed river-
        accessible restrooms to ease pressure on other city-owned
        park facilities elsewhere on the river.

          1    COMMUNITY DOCK                                                                                                                                                        4
               Phase 2 strategy includes a community dock and
               shelter along the west edge of the river. This feature
               acts to improve river connectivity and is the west                                                                                         3
               edge of the future boardwalk connection.

          2    INLET RESTORATION
               The other proposed addition is the restoration and
               protection of the bay area. This will include gabion
               vegetative terraced walls to provide a soft river edge                                                                                                               2
               and erosion protection. The bay restoration will also
               have an installation of a small fishing dock and soft
               ADA path down to the water’s edge.

          3    ELEVATED LAWN
               Above the enhanced inlet and ADA path will be an
               elevated lawn. This open space will be lifted to help                                                              1
               alleviate flooding issues and provide an overlook
               into the bay.
                                                                                     TRAIL TYPES:
          4    SOUTHERN PINE BLUFF                                                          NEW TRAILS
                                                                                            EXISTING TRAILS
               The activation of the pine bluff will give the opportunity
               for views into the bay and other kid orientated active

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