Page 37 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 37


                                                                        An important piece to the final vision is a phasing strategy to aide in implementation, while introducing the most impactful pieces of the plan early on to enhance the user
                                                                        experience and garner support for implementing each subsequent phase. While the initial phase focuses on creating a comprehensive circulation network and implementing
                                                                        elements that could stand alone and ensure an amazing park for the community from day one, it is the intent of the phasing strategy to create excitement about Black Bay Park,
                                                                        bring new users to the park, and leave the community wishing for more. The fully implemented vision plan strives to create a place that protects and preserves the natural areas of
                                                                        Black Bay Park, while enhancing and building upon the programming opportunities desired by the community. Phase two focuses on implementing elements that further activate
                                                                        the park, while phase three purposes to complete the circulation network and more comprehensive the riverfront enhancements, and Phase four serves to provide the extra design
                                                                        elements that elevate the level of the park amenities. These design pieces help root Black Bay as a unique place in Post Falls, by providing spaces and amenities that do not
                                                                        currently exist in the region.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                BLACK BAY PARK
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