Page 16 - PAFR 2023
P. 16

The City Revenues and Expenses

         Revenue by Source—Government Activities                                            •  The majority of the City of Post Falls’ governmental activities’

                                                                                            revenue is received from property tax (28.5 percent) with other
                                                                                            taxes following at (17.3 percent).

                                                                                            •  When all taxes are added together, they make up 45.8 percent
                                                                                            of the budget.

                                                                                            •  When revenues are compared to expenses, it shows that just
                                                                                            one of the City of Post Falls’ programs are self-supporting. They all
                                                                                            require tax support to continue at their current level of service.
                                                                                            • Grants and contributions are primarily received by public safety
                                                                                            and public works. These grants normally have matching
                                                                                            requirements by the City yet allow programs and projects that
                                                                                            may not happen without those additional funds. The City
                                                                                            currently runs a domestic violence program that was significantly
                                                                                            funded through federal grants each year, until the grants expired.
                                                                                            Council has committed to funding the program in full.

         For the most part, increases in expenses were due
         to inflation, supply chain issues, and growth in the
         demand for services. No significant transactions
         occurred outside of the Major funds for FY 2023.
         No significant losses received during the year
         while building permit revenue, state shared
         revenues, motor vehicle revenues, and liquor
         taxes has increased significantly during FY 2023.
         Post Falls continues to experience development of
         residential and multi-family. Property taxes are the
         largest individual revenue stream for the general
         fund at $13.8 million. However, state shared
         revenues which includes sales taxes were $8.4
         million during fiscal year 2023.

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