Page 17 - PAFR 2023
P. 17

Business Type Activities

                                                                                       • One of the major sources of the City of Post Falls’ business-type
                                                                                        activities’ revenue is received from charges for services (74.6 percent).
                                                                                        Currently, the City of Post Falls’ business-type activities do not use
                                                                                        property taxes for any type of funding.

                                                                                       • The second major source of revenue is capital construction (18.8
                                                                                        percent). These contributions are received by water and reclaimed
                                                                                        water only. The sanitation for the City of Post Falls is contracted out,
                                                                                        and the City has no capital investment in that program.
                                                                                       • When revenues are compared to expenses, it shows that all the City of
                                                                                        Post Falls’ programs are self-supporting for water and wastewater. In
                                                                                        reclaimed water this includes capital contributions from developers.

                                                                                       FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                       •  The assets of the City of Post Falls exceeded its liabilities at the close of
                                                                                         the most recent fiscal year by $409,734,384 (net position).
                                                                                       •  At the end of the current fiscal year, unassigned fund balance for the
                                                                                         general fund was $6,763,070, or 20 percent of total general fund

                                                                                       •  The governments net position increased by $35,412,732. Total asset
                                                                                         additions increased $33,855,268 and business type total asset additions
                                                                                         were $22,731,443 and governmental asset additions were $11,123,825
                                                                                         during fiscal year 2023. $6.5 million consisted of system additions
                                                                                         related to the wastewater treatment plant upgrade, along with an
                                                                                         additional $8.0 million of construction in progress. Governmental capital
                                                                                         assets increased by $14,299,224 over the prior year. Governmental
                                                                                         experienced a $3,655,915 increase in infrastructure that was donated to
                                                                                         the city from developers. Business type capital assets increased by
                                                                                         $14,251,172 compared to the prior year. In addition, wastewater and
                                                                                         water both had systems additions donated by developers of $876,370
                                                                                         and $256,200, respectively.
                                                                                       •  In the City’s business-type activities, operating revenues increased by
                                                                                         $1,980,751 (7.5. percent) and operating expenses increased by
                                                                                         $524,646. The increases in operating revenues is primarily due to the
                                                                                         increase in utility rates (3.0% for water and a 2.5% for reclaimed water).
                                                                                       •  The City of Post Falls is still experiencing growth as building permits that
                                                                                         continue to exceed expectations while housing shortages are becoming
                                                                                         a reality for both single family and muti-family units. In addition, State
                                                                                         Highway 41 has been the catalyst for both commercial and multi-family
                                                                                         developments along that corridor.
                                                                                       •  The City of Post Falls holds an AA- water reclamation bond rating and an
                                                                                         AA water bond rating with Standard & Poors.

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