Page 80 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 80


        WQ – 1 WATER QUALITY BAND – PLANTING MEDIUM                                                                                WQ – 2  WATER QUALITY BAND – SAND FILTRATION

            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
               i.      Inspect for standing water. Use the bi-annual health evaluation of the plants as an indicator of                   i.     Inspect for standing water after all large storm events (>0.5 inches of precipitation) to verify that
                       possible hydraulic problems. If ponding persists for more than 4 hours after a storm event, the                           they are working as intended. Typically, sand filters begin to experience clogging problems within
                       following steps will be taken to improve hydraulic functioning; cleaning out the underdrain with a                        5 years.  In order to coincide replacement of material with replacement of the planted sections
                       rooter, or replacing the planting medium and pea gravel surrounding the perforated underdrain                             of the WQB, replacement of the unplanted section is recommended every 6 years. Corrective
                       in that area. Properly dispose of any waste using appropriate disposal methods. Management                                maintenance of the filtration chamber includes removal and replacement of the top layers of sand,
                       of vegetation will help in maintaining adequate hydraulic functioning and will limit habitat for                          gravel, and/or filter fabric that has become clogged. The removed media can be safely landfilled,
                       disease-carrying animals.                                                                                                 if testing shows it to be non-toxic.
               ii.     Fill all Animal burrows. If the problem persists, vector control specialists should be consulted                   ii.    During each inspection and maintenance visit to the site, trash and debris removal will be
                       regarding removal steps. This consulting is necessary as the threat of rabies in some areas                               conducted to reduce the potential for inlet structures and other components from becoming
                       may necessitate the animals being destroyed rather than relocated.  If the BMP performance is                             clogged and inoperable during storm events.
                       affected, abatement will begin. Otherwise, abatement will be performed annually in September.                      iii.   Sand filter systems may also require periodic removal of vegetative growth.
               iii.    During each inspection and maintenance visit to the site, trash and debris shall be removed
                       to reduce the potential for inlet structures and other components from becoming clogged and                 WQ – 3  CURB OUTLET FILTERS
                       inoperable during storm events.
               iv.     Sediment, debris, and trash, which impede the hydraulic functioning of the WQ band and                         A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
                       prevent vegetative growth, shall be removed and properly disposed.  If accumulation of debris or                   i.     Inspect the outlet filters on a monthly basis during wet weather and every 3 months during dry
                       sediment is determined to be the cause of decline in the infiltration rate, prompt action (i.e., within                   weather. Remove any trash and debris to reduce the potential for inlet structures and other
                       ten working days) shall be taken to restore the WQ band to design performance standards.                                  components from becoming clogged and inoperable during storm events.
                       Actions will include using additional fill and vegetation and/or removing accumulated sediment to                  ii.    To clean the filter: remove the curb grate, if present; unbolt the frame from the inside face of the
                       correct channeling or ponding.  The removed medium can be safely landfilled, if testing shows it                          outlet (both sides); pull the frame out; and remove the filter fabric (like a pillow case). Filter fabric
                       to be non-toxic.  Vegetation will be re-established after sediment removal.  Full replacement of the                      can be rinsed with water and reused until replacement is required. Rinse water can be discharged
                       planting media is recommended every 6 years.                                                                              to the WQ band.
               v.      Where revegetation has been ineffective, or where other factors have created erosive conditions                    iii.   Replacement is required when filter fabric becomes saturated with hydrocarbons and changes
                       (i.e., pedestrian traffic, concentrated flow, etc.), corrective steps shall be taken to prevent loss                      from a light grayish coloration to a dull greenish brown color. The replaced filter fabric must be
                       of soil and any subsequent danger to the performance of the WQ band. The corrective actions;                              properly disposed of according to applicable local, county, and federal waste control programs.
                       include erosion control blankets, riprap, or reduced flow through the area.  Designers or                                 A secondary set of filter fabric should be kept on-hand should any emergency arise requiring
                       contractors will be consulted to address erosion problems if the solution is not evident.                                 immediate replacement.
               vi.     Organophosphate insecticides and petrochemical fertilizers will not be allowed. Weeds will be                      iv.    Re-install the frame back into place and bolt in place. Re-install the curb grate, if present. Replace
                       removed through mechanical means.  Herbicide will not be used because these chemicals may                                 grates if visual inspection indicates that they are bent or damaged, creating an impedance to flow
                       impact water quality.                                                                                                     or a hazard to pedestrian traffic.

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