Page 82 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 82

L – 3   SHRUBS                                                                                                             L – 6   LANDSCAPE MULCHES

            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
               i.      Maintain plant health by removing dead, damaged, or diseased plant tissue.                                         i.     Quarterly monitor levels of mulch and replace mulch as necessary
               ii.     Remove branches that crow, rub, or droop on other branches.                                                        ii.    Contingency for mulch
               iii.    Stimulate flowering or fruiting.                                                                                          a.     Eco mulch
               iv.     Improve plant appearance by training to a particular shape or size.                                                       b.     Rock gravel mulch
               v.      Rejuvenate old, overgrown shrubs to restore their shape and vigor. Severe pruning is required for                         c.     Water quality band angular rock
               vi.     Mulching should be consistent, clean chipped mulch to a depth of 4”.                                        L – 9   NAUTRAL AREAS

        L – 4   WATER EDGE RESTORATIVE PLANTINGS                                                                                      A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
               Along the river edge and bay area will be restorative planting areas for a soft vegetative environment.                    i.     Areas should be left in a natural state, this includes not mowing, trimming, fertilizing, or irrigation.
                                                                                                                                                 Except to provide optimal plant establishment and maintenance.
            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                                ii.    Weed control is limited to removal of noxious plants or for establishment of desired plants.
               i.      After the initial plant installation and for subsequent plant replacement, it is extremely important to            iii.   Regular maintenance includes restoring natural or native plantings and following recommended
                       protect the new plantings until they are established, to avoid over-foraging from waterfowl.                              practices of maintenance after establishment.
               ii.     Plants in these areas should be allowed to establish before any maintenance (aside from weed                       iv.    Grass and fields: If the plant material is healthy it should be left in a natural state. Areas along
                       control) is performed.                                                                                                    paved trails may be mowed up to 3 times per growing season.
               iii.    Accumulated biomass should be left to stabilize the water edge.                                                    v.     Trees and shrubs: If the plant material is healthy it should be left in a natural state and maintained
               iv.     1 Year after planting, debris and invasive plants should be removed, cutback should not be                                to achieve desired species diversity, size, and age.
                       performed until the following year.                                                                                vi.    Litter control: Keep ground free of litter and debris quarterly or after any complaints.
               v.      After the plantings are established, maintenance will include: trimming/pruning, cutbacks, weed                    vii.   Hardscape: Maintain areas to be free of glass, litter, debris, and trip hazards after complaints.
                       control by hand or with skimmer net in order to minimize disturbance.
               vi.     A small watercraft or waders may be necessary for proper maintenance access. A floating bin or
                       basin may be used to collect trash, plant material, and debris.
               vii.    Litter removal can primarily focus on the edges along pathways.
               viii.   The water edge should be monitored frequently and especially after storm events, to ensure no
                       erosion is occurring. Any identified areas of erosion must be quickly assessed and evaluated for
                       repairs and re-stabilization.


               i.      Monitor soil moisture levels and overall plant health weekly. Inspect plantings for vandalism,
                       general wear and tear.
               ii.     Periodically remove old stems to maintain cosmetic appearance. Prune, shear or tip-pinch to
                       maintain natural shape. Replace any diseased, damaged, worn dead plants when needed.
               iii.    Fertilize plantings
               iv.     Weed, pest and disease control weekly
               v.      Soil sample analysis
               vi.     Contingency for planting and water quality band soil medium replacement
                       a.     Replacement planting shall match as closely as possible to the current size of existing
                              adjacent similar species.
                       b.     Replace all plants and soil medium every 5 years to ensure proper function for storm
                              water management

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