Page 83 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 83

VI.    IRRIGATION (IR)                                                                                                     IR – 3  IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE

        IR – 1  PROJECTED IRRIGATION WATER USE                                                                                        A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
                                                                                                                                          i.     Repair components to their original operating level at installation. Replace or repair worn out
            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                                       components when a problem is reported or noticed during inspection. Significant changes should
               i.      Conventional irrigation controllers are to be scheduled to deliver irrigation water within three                          be recorded on as-built.
                       days or less per irrigation zone, between the hours of 6:00pm an 10:00am.                                          ii.    Utilize the Irrigation Association’s Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor training to evaluate
               ii.     Adjust sprinklers and controllers to avoid runoff or ponding that would be detrimental to plant                           inefficient irrigation or areas using more than 30 inches per acre/year.
                       health, public health, conservation efforts, or the enjoyment of the public.                                       iii.   Maintain a laminated irrigation system chart. Existing components identified and labeled shall
               iii.    No irrigation should occur within 24 hrs of mowing.                                                                       include: water meter, stop and waste valve, backflow device and size, mainlines, laterals, valve
               iv.     All irrigation systems will need to be regularly monitored and the components should be                                   boxes, drains, quick couplers, and irrigation heads.
                       frequently inspected. Repairs and maintenance should be performed as needed.                                       iv.    Prioritize repairs/replacement with available resources for winter overhaul and repair.
               v.      Each year the irrigation system will need to be winterized in the fall and started up in the spring.
                                                                                                                                   VII.   SIGNAGE (SG)
                                                                                                                                   SG– 1  ENTRY SIGNAGE
               Before water requirements are used for landscape planning and management purposes, a few                               A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
               considerations should be noted. Field adjustments, irrigation schedules, soil evaporation, salts and                       i.     Powerwash all lettering and signage elements using a non-abrasive cleaner
               leaching, and potential future use of reclaimed water need to be considered when developing a water                        ii.    Check mounting of all letters and sign plaques to ensure mounting is tight and true
               management program.                                                                                                        iii.   Clean stainless steel using 3M scotchbrite cleaning system to ensure any oxidization is removed
                                                                                                                                          iv.    Check for any chips on painted elements of sign plaques, touchup as required
               i.      Field Adjustments - The landscape coefficient formula provides estimates of water requirements,
                       consequently adjustments will be needed in the field. If plants are showing signs of water stress,          SG– 2  PLACE MARKER SIGNAGE
                       then additional water is needed. Conversely, when it appears that too much water is being
                       applied, then a downward adjustment is needed. When irrigation water estimates are initially                   A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
                       implemented in the field, they should be carefully monitored.                                                      i.     Powerwash map, and posts using a non-abrasive cleaner
               ii.     Irrigation Schedules – An estimate of water needs is the first step in development of an irrigation                ii.    Check mounting of sign panel to ensure mounting is tight and true
                       schedule. Irrigation frequency, duration and cycles also need to be determined to create a                         iii.   Check all fastening systems to ensure they are tight, replace any damaged or loose hardware
                       schedule. The schedule is determined from the soil infiltration rate, rooting depth, sprinkler                     iv.    Check map for accuracy based on physical site updates or alterations.  If changes are required,
                       application rate, allowable depletion amounts and soil holding capacity. Each of these factors                            remove out of date map and replace with a new panel
                       needs to be evaluated to determine how frequently to irrigate, how long to irrigate at a given                     v.     Check for any chips on painted elements of sign, touchup as required
                       time, and how many cycles are needed.
               iii.    Soil Evaporation – Water loss occurs from the soil as well as from the plants. Soil evaporation is          SG – 3 WAYFINDING SIGNAGE
                       most common when the ground is not shaded and no mulch is present. The rate of evaporative
                       water loss from soil depends on the texture, structure and density of the soil. When soil                      A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
                       contributes to landscape water loss, water estimates should be increased by 10% to 20%. With                       i.     Powerwash sign panels, and posts using a non-abrasive cleaner
                       sufficient mulching, the soil surface will not be a source of water loss.                                          ii.    Check mounting of sign panel to ensure mounting is tight and true
               iv.     Salts and Leaching – When soil salt concentrations are sufficiently high to impact the condition                   iii.   Check all fastening systems to ensure they are tight, replace any damaged or loose hardware
                       of the plant, the application of water in excess of that needed to meet plant needs is required.                   iv.    Check signage panels for accuracy based on physical site updates or alterations.  If changes are
                       It is recommended that managers have the soil analyzed by a soils laboratory to determine its                             required, remove out of date sign panel and replace with a new panel.
                       composition.                                                                                                       v.     Check for any chips on painted elements of sign, touchup as required
               v.      Reclaimed Water – Reclaimed water varies in quality.  When irrigating with reclaimed water,
                       landscape managers will need to assess and monitor the water quality. Some upward adjustments
                       in water estimates may be needed to reduce plant injury potential with low water quality.

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