Page 81 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 81


               i.      General maintenance includes:                                                                                      vii.   Edging: Turf along concrete edges will be removed in cool season turf areas to the edge of the
                       a.     CLEAN UP:  All debris and rubbish in the planting areas shall be removed.  All landscape                           concrete curb or walkway using the appropriate edging equipment. The of the concrete surface
                              areas shall be inspected to check for vandalism, broken branches or dying plants, pests,                           should be visible after edging.
                              diseases, etc.                                                                                              viii.   Over Seeding: Areas with noticeable bare spots in a contiguous area shall be over seeded with
                       b.     SOIL SAMPLES:  Soil samples shall be taken at each type of planting area (each tree type,                          the appropriate seed mix for consistency and sustainability. Seeding will follow PFPD seeding
                              water quality bands, succulents, shrubs and perennials) and delivered to a soil testing                            specs.
                              laboratory for evaluation and recommendations.                                                              ix.    Topdressing: Material is to be consistent with existing soil texture where it is to be applied.
                       c.     FERTILIZATION AND SOIL AMENDMENTS:  Recommendations from the soil sample                                           Organic materials use are to meet PFPD organic material specs. Topdressing is to be used in non-
                              analysis reports shall be followed for supplemental fertilizer type and application rates.                         athletic turf when soil test or leveling needs determine the application.
                              Precautions shall be taken to contain fertilizers and amendments in the planting areas.                     iix.   Fill low spots with matching existing soil when filling noticeable depressions or holes. Compact to
                       d.     MONITOR: Monitor overall health of all planting, soil moisture level and soil levels                               meet surrounding soil compaction.
                              quarterly by the certified arborist and weekly by the maintenance worker.                                   iiix.   Utilize a litter lift to remove excess litter, grass clippings, and other debris. Sweeping is not limited
                       e.     WEED, PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL: Provide weekly weed, pest and disease control                                      to areas needing cleanup after a special event or when additional mowing has not removed
                              for all trees, shrubs, succulents, perennials and bioswale plantings to maintain weed, pest                        clippings adequately.
                              and disease-free plantings at all times.
                       f.     REPLACEMENTS:  Any and all diseased, damaged, worn, dead or otherwise non-thriving                   L – 2   TREES
                              plant material within the project shall be replaced within a week.  Replacement of plants
                              is anticipated in the maintenance contingencies.  The life span of plants is finite and some            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS
                              plants live longer than others.  Plants shall be promptly replaced at the end of the plants                 i.     Trees should be regularly examined for pests and disease infestation, especially during spring,
                              life span.  In some cases, it is easier to replace plants than to maintain them past their life                    summer, and fall. Inspection involves looking for potential abnormalities, examining roots, trunk,
                              span. For all tree and shrub replacement plantings shall match as closely as possible to the                       branches, and leaves for unusual patterns.
                              current size of existing adjacent similar species.                                                          ii.    Removal is recommended for severely infested plants that are beyond treatment.
                       g.     PRUNING: All pruning shall be under the design direction of a certified arborist who is                     iii.   A professional arborist should be consulted if and when diseases and pests are identified after
                              well versed in the design intent of this project.                                                                  inspection.
                       h.     WINTER WATERING: Water plant material when there has been less than 1/2” moisture                           iv.    Pruning should be done seasonally while plants are still in their “dormant” state. Additional
                              within a 4-week period when irrigation systems are inactive.
                                                                                                                                                 pruning might be needed throughout the year during special conditions, such as storm events
                                                                                                                                                 or vandalism. Never prune during wet weather. Pruning is required during the life of the tree
        L – 1   TURF                                                                                                                             to remove dead and diseased parts. Proper and sharp tools are to be used. Tools should be
               Turf is located in the three sections of open lawn along the East edge of the park.
                                                                                                                                                 sterilized with 10% solution of bleach before the pruning and especially when moving from tree to
                                                                                                                                                 tree. Proper techniques should include: thinning, dead wooding, shaping, cleaning, elevating.
            A.  MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                                v.     Hand watering may be needed to supplement scheduled irrigation in order to keep trees healthy.
               i.      Weekly mowing and edge trimming from April to October, to a height of 3” for non-athletic turf.                           Newly planting trees will have higher water needs than established trees. Park staff should
                       Areas not accessible by riding mowers shall be trimmed to match the mowing height.                                        monitor trees and determine if trees need additional watering. Water should be applied slowly so
               ii.     Spring and fall fertilization as determined by soil tests.                                                                as to penetrate the entire root zone.
               iii.    Other tasks include: weed control and litter removal.                                                              vi.    Trees in turf areas should be dressed with a 2” thick rink of organic mulch, with a min 12” radius
               iv.     After re-sodding, the lawn should be kept closed for at least 6 weeks to allow establishments of                          around trunks or stems. Mulch is not be placed directly against tree trunks. Trees in lawns should
                       new growth.                                                                                                               be inspected for damage from mowers or evidence of root girdling.
               v.      Fertilization: Apply up to 3lbs of nitrogen per 1000sqft. Application should be based on turf                      vii.   Trees should be fertilized in the fall, Oct to Dec, or spring, Feb to Apr, as indicated by soil tests.
                       needs for health.                                                                                                  viii.   If tree stakes are used they should be inspected regularly to ensure no damage is done to the
               vi.     Aeration: Aerate using hollow tine, slicing, deep tine, or shatter tine to promote increased                              trees. Guy wires may need to be tightened if they become loose. Materials such as rubber hoses
                       porosity in the soil to increase oxygen, water and nutrient uptake.
                                                                                                                                                 or plastic flagging might need to be replaced overtime. All stakes should be removed after one
                                                                                                                                          ix.    Any fruit, seeds, and fallen branches from trees should be cleaned up along pedestrian paths and
                                                                                                                                                 in frequently used areas.

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