Page 13 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 13



                                                                                               By encouraging public and stakeholder participation throughout the design process, a sense of ownership is developed amongst participants that can
                                                                                               lead to overall acceptance of design and support for public funding, and a streamlined approval and implementation process. The Vision Plan process
                                                                                               created a series of outreach experiences that were unique and memorable. These events enticed the community, not only to come out and enjoy the
                                                                                               experience, but gave them a variety of ways to participate in the process. This process enabled us to build upon past studies while learning first hand
                                                                                               what is distinctive about Black Bay Park, and how these unique qualities could be transformed to create a unified vision for the Park. Through a series
                                                                                               of community meetings, site visits, and talking with local parks and recreation staff; information was gathered to have a thorough understanding of
                                                                                               important needs of the site and its visitors.

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