Page 14 - Black Bay Vision Plan
P. 14


        During the first community meeting multiple techniques were
        used to gather feedback on what the community wanted to
        see in the park. The main activity of the open house was
        to rank preferred programing for the park. The second was
        a large map that provided community members with the
        opportunity to note special places, share interesting facts,
        or highlight stories they had heard or have about the Park.
        The last activity engaged the children by providing them                                                                                                                                        5
        the opportunity to tell us what their ideal day in Black Bay
        park looked like. They were encouraged to select post cards
        depicting the programs and activities that would make them
        come back to the park again and again.

        It was very evident that protecting and preserving the                                                                                    1
        natural qualities and features of Black Bay are important                                                                                                                                          4
        to residents. While protecting the existing site features there                                                                                 2
        is also a high concern for providing distinct entries points                                                                                                                                        11
        to the park. This would address the current issues of park
        visitors trespassing on local resident’s property to get to the
        park. Other thoughts we heard were focused on the type
        of programming residents want, this varied from standard
        park amenities like restrooms and trash receptacles to more
        expansive and engaging elements such as overlook decks
        and play features.
                                                                                                                               6                                                                                               12
        A  second  theme  that  was  prevalent  in  most  of  our
        discussions, was the communities desire to take advantage
        of the relationship to the Spokane River. Whether in the                                                                7
        form of access down to the river, community docks enabling
        access from the river, or a variety of ways to enjoy distant   COMMENTS / CONCERNS / SPECIAL PLACES:
        views across the river, the community agreed that the current   1. Filled from cedar logging, some sinks holes.               6
        park only minimally capitalizes on this significant natural   2. Not a natural meadow.
        resource.                                                  3. Concern - water tower climbing and activities; falls from
                                                                      cliff, also trespassing through private property to E. 1st
                                                                   4. Aspen grove.
                                                                   5. Move shops elsewhere, looks bland.
                                                                   6. NO PARKING.
                                                                   7. No parking on E. Maple Ave or Wide River.                                                                                            9
                                                                   8. River vistas and sunset.
                                                                   9. Please keep safe the cute (magical) corkscrew/chair like                                                                                               10
                                                                      tree.                                                                                                          8
                                                                   10. Bank stabilization work needs to be done.
                                                                   11. Beer garden and amphitheater.
                                                                   12. Old house that burned down.

        VISION PLAN 14
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